Events Detail

Title : Spreading Love

In a heartwarming display of compassion and their caring attitude, IBPYP learners from Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, led a community outreach program that united generations and promoted understanding. This initiative united youth and the elderly from Kamla Bhakshi old age home, fostering cross-generational understanding

Through shared prayers, harmonious hymns, and a touching Rakhi tying ceremony, the event transcended age barriers, fostering unity

Also, seniors' unfulfilled travel desires became an opportunity for innovation as modernites utilized VR technology and Google Earth to offer virtual tours to significant destinations. This imaginative and inclusive approach not only brought excitement and camaraderie but also aligned with sustainable development goals, highlighting a positive learning and curiosity-driven approach to quality education

Posted By : Modern Public School | Date : 31 Aug 2023
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