The entire MPS family is proud of our creative learners! Neysa Sapra and Apoorva Thakur have been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for their outstanding performance at the National Level UN...
30 students of MPS won mementoes, medals, and cash prizes in "Sanskriti Ke Rang," an international painting competition organised by Charu Castle Foundation in association with Uttar...
The excellence of the Modern Public School keeps reverberating as all three young Modernites who participated in the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2022 organised by CBSE have been placed in the first...
The sky may be the limit, but stars shine beyond all limits Out of the entries from across the country, MPS has won in CBSE National Science Exhibition. A big round of applause for Prateek Gupta...
Congratulations to Ms. Sarika Grover for getting selected as an exemplary teacher of change and receiving ETOC Certificate from Atal Innovation Mission for MPS. Thanks to the dedication and all-...
We are proud to announce that our students Prateek Gupta and Daksh Tomar's model "Maths In Medication", submitted under the theme "Technology and Toys", has been...
In the education curriculum for Modernites, MPS aims to incorporate 21st century skills, sustainability, and globalcitizenship. Contributing to this, Ms. Neetu Luthra, a...
After winning many awards and accolades in 2022, the new year also begins with breathtaking laurels. MPS ranked 1st in Delhi for adopting and pursuing the "Innovation Catalyst Program...